Who are the Craigleith Coyotes?

Well if you haven't heard of us yet... Where have you been?

The Coyotes are proud to be part of the Craigleith Ski Club, proud of where we come from and what we do. The next time you participate in or watch a race at Craigleith, know that the start was set up and tended to by a world class Timing Team, that the Safety Netting and corrals were put in place by seasoned World Cup and Olympic Crew Veterans working alongside the rest of the dedicated Coyotes Crew, and those blue lines... Even if it is just a finish line, it was probably put in place by the same people who dyed the lines for Manny, Eric, Robbie, Jan, Britt and Kelly... And you know what? We are glad to do it for you too!

Remember that Race Crew is supposed to be a fun experience. Join the commaraderie, make the time to enjoy the snow and hills. There's always beer in the crew fridge, and that if you feel a cough coming on, we have the cure for that too...

Friday, December 17, 2010

On-Hill Training Day Saturday December 18, 2010!

Hey everyone,

Welcome back to the Blog!

This is just a reminder that we will have the On-Hill Training Day on Saturday December 18th.

Geoff (Director of Coyote Branding & Marketing) will be leading the training.

Here is the itinerary for Saturday

930 am meet @ crew hut "Wylie's"
930-945 am welcome and review of what a day in the life of a coyote is like -- suggested things to bring to hill (e.g. layering, extra gloves etc) + other optional accessories;

945-1015 am review radio and drill operation + other equipment (location of shovels, rakes, start pads, wedges etc)

1015-1030 am boot up

1030 am - load chair

1040 am -12 noon - quick tour of race hills + review of start corral set up, b-net installation and finish corral

1215pm -- 100pm - lunch - pizza and pop @ Wylie's
115 pm - load chair
120 pm -230 pm - review of slipping, course and gate maintenance

230 pm - 300pm - wrap up @ Wylie's

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